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Science education today creates the great employees of tomorrow
As an employer, you know how important scientifically literate employees are to your business and society. Praxis supports STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) learning for students in Southeastern Alberta.
We are looking for businesses in the community to partner with to help us deliver our Science Programming. You can help us meet our goals in a number of ways.
Mentorship: We need businesses to participate in Operation Minerva, Operation Thoth, and Kiwanis Southeast Alberta Science Fair by providing mentorship. Students need to understand the practical application of science learning both in everyday life and the businesses that are part of our community. You can help by making your business accessible to these events or by providing space and/or guidance to students pursuing scientific projects.
Staff Expertise: We require approximately 90-120 judges for the Kiwanis Southeast Alberta Regional Science Fair every year, as well as for local school science fairs . Share your staff with us for a couple of mornings for judge training and the event itself.
Donations in Kind: We provide Science resources to students throughout Southeastern Alberta. Contact us for a list of the supplies and equipment we currently need. There are also opportunities to supply food, gifts and prizes for our various events.
Finances: Praxis is a charitable organization that is supported in part by funds from our local community . Consider a corporate donation to Praxis or providing sponsorship for our programs and activities.