Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash
Thank you for your interest in Science Education and Literacy
Today’s world needs science-savvy citizens to understand local, regional and global issues, allowing them to participate more fully in decision-making. Tomorrow’s employers need scientifically literate employees to exercise their critical thinking and technical skills to further their goals. Praxis aims to help students in Southeast Alberta develop a love and understanding of science that will support them through their lives.
Praxis offers a number of programs for students in different age groups:
Operation Minerva (Grade 9 Girls)
Operation Thoth (Grade 9 Boys)
Praxis also offers hands-on learning resources aligned with the Alberta Science curriculum. These kits are available to teachers, youth-group leaders, and homeschooling parents.
*Note that due to Covid-19 we have suspended our resource lending program*
Don’t forget to check out our Science Smarts blog, where we share articles and activities from over 10 years of writing the Science Smarts column for the Medicine Hat News.
Finally, we’d like you to consider becoming involved with the Praxis Society as a volunteer. We are always looking for volunteers to:
Help with organizing our regional science fair. Committee members give advice, make contacts, vote on financial and policy matters, give technology support and help out on the day of the Regional Fair (usually the third Saturday in March).
Act as judges for our regional science fair (training provided).
Judge and support in-school science fairs.
Promote the Family Science Olympics.
Assist with fundraising.
If you are unable to volunteer your time, we hope you will consider donating to keep Praxis running. All funds raised stay in our local community.