Science fair 101

Science fair projects are rewarding but like all worthwhile things they require time and effort.  Teachers planning to introduce project activity into their classrooms are sometimes discouraged because they can’t see how to fit it into to a curriculum agenda that is already full.  Science Fair 101 can help!  Science fair projects are a cross curricular, hands on learning experience.  Not only are students completing science, but also math (in their calculations on charts and graphs), language arts (through their reports and research), and computer classes (typing). 

We can help as much or as little as you require!  Science Fair 101 is a FREE outreach program offered with support from Medicine Hat College to help teachers and students organize science fair projects from beginning to end.  Our Outreach Coordinator is available to visit schools throughout southeastern Alberta to help students with every step of the scientific process in order to ensure their success.  .  Typically the Coordinator visits a school and explains how science fair works to classes or larger groups on the first visit.  The goal is to get students enthused and to start thinking about ideas for projects.  Engaging examples and demonstrations are given and there is a wealth of material available on line.  Subsequent visits help students along with advice and encouragement and finally to assist teachers in organizing a school science fair including providing judges.  [R1] 


This program is particularly useful for schools new to science fair but teachers at all levels of experience can benefit.  For further information contact Patty Rooks at  Bookings fill up quickly so it is advisable to make contact early in the school year.