operation minerva

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics are important in so many careers today, yet many young women do not choose these courses in high school and later find their academic career options limited. The one-day Operation Minerva Conference introduces female students to women in a variety of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) related occupations through hands-on engaging activities. The morning part of the Conference allows for the students to be paired one-on-one with a STEM professional for a few hours of job shadowing. In the afternoon, the students participate in hands-on science workshops, discussions, and/or on-site tours hosted by local women in STEM professions. Past years’ workshops have included Explosives Technologists, Chemists from DRDC Suffield, and Pilots just to name a few! All exemplary models of what can be accomplished when you work hard in your academic career and choose STEM courses! For more information have a look at the Alberta Women’s Science Network at https://www.awsn.org/.

Minerva: the Roman goddess of wisdom and the arts, identified with the Greek Athena. Her name contains the same root as mens, meaning thought